Training for Different Audiences
Training for Different Audiences Training programs designed to prevent child sexual abuse take many forms and contain varying levels of detail,…
Child sexual abuse is a difficult topic. If you find yourself triggered by any of the website’s content, please stop and take the time you need to talk with someone to get support. If you need help now, please contact one of these resources today.
Home / Training / Training Program Design Checklist
Each youth-serving organization is unique, and each community has its own set of values, strengths, and challenges. Whether you use online or onsite training options, there are steps you can take to make sure they’re applied with maximum effectiveness, including:
According to the Massachusetts Sexual Violence Prevention Plan, prevention strategies must be based on an understanding that any population selected for prevention activities will include people who have already experienced sexual abuse or who have abused others. Prevention programs will, therefore, commit to avoiding re-traumatizing, blaming victims, or colluding with abusive behavior/attitudes. They should also ensure that those delivering prevention activities have sufficient knowledge, skills, and connection to specialized assessment and treatment services to be effective bridges to those services when disclosures do occur.
Training for Different Audiences Training programs designed to prevent child sexual abuse take many forms and contain varying levels of detail,…
Change Can Be a Challenge “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” So said the famed poet Robert Burns after ploughing his fields…
Screening & Hiring
Because the internet and social media are a rich source of information about prospective candidates, and social media is perceived as a forum in…
Policies & Procedures
Your Policies and Procedures must be continuously referred to throughout the year. At a minimum, an annual review of all policies and procedures…
Once you have identified your training expectations and standards and have researched current and available local and national training, explore…
Code of Conduct
A Code of Conduct establishes acceptable and prohibited types of behaviors and interactions between staff, volunteers, and children. Your…
Screening & Hiring
Finding and retaining a qualified and diverse workforce is one of the greatest challenges for youth-serving organizations like yours. Given the…
Code of Conduct
It’s easier to identify behaviors that may be intended to harm children and youth when all staff and volunteers see the Code of Conduct as …
Code of Conduct
Your Code of Conduct will provide your staff, volunteers, and others responsible for children and youth with very specific guidelines that will…
Parents and other caregivers need to receive, at a minimum, the same level of prevention education as their child/youth. Parents can be strong…
Customized child sexual abuse prevention guidelines to meet the unique needs of any organization that serves children.
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