Child sexual abuse is a difficult topic. If you find yourself triggered by any of the website’s content, please stop and take the time you need to talk with someone to get support. If you need help now, please contact one of these resources today.

Pledge to Prevent Child Abuse

A group of kids sit with an adult in woods. They are laughing and talking

Home / Build Your Learning Center / Pledge to Prevent Child Abuse

Sign the Pledge to Prevent Abuse Today 

Commit to adopting and incorporating the Elements of Prevention into your everyday work.

How to Take the Pledge

To Take the Pledge, create a free Learning Center account and read our recommended resources for preventing child sexual abuse.

sign up for an Account

Create your free Learning Center account. View free articles, resources, and tools to help your organization prevent child sexual abuse. 

complete each learning track

Start by reading our recommended articles for each Element of Prevention. Customize your Learning Library by saving resources you find throughout the site.

pledge to prevent child abuse

We provide a simple tool that generates a written pledge to declare your commitment to keeping kids safe from child sexual abuse.