How to Implement a Screening Policy
Start with Basic Screening It is very important that all applicants who provide direct services and who are seeking positions of trust—either…
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Home / Training / Training Employees/Staff/Leadership
When it comes to training your employees, paid staff, managers, senior leaders, and board and governance members, there is certain core content that is critical to include in a comprehensive training program to effectively prevent child sexual abuse.
Here are some elements that should be included as you select/adapt your training program for this audience:
Screening & Hiring
Start with Basic Screening It is very important that all applicants who provide direct services and who are seeking positions of trust—either…
Policies & Procedures
Your Policies and Procedures must be continuously referred to throughout the year. At a minimum, an annual review of all policies and procedures…
Screening & Hiring
Finding staff and volunteers you can trust to work with children includes additional steps beyond interviewing and checking references. …
Recognizing Abuse & Neglect The minimum required safety elements for you to prepare leadership, staff, and volunteers to recognize, respond…
Policies & Procedures
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) 1 suggests that implementing a child sexual abuse prevention policy and making the changes necessary to…
Staff and volunteers at the YSO (Youth-Serving Organization) should be proficient in discussing abuse and responding to disclosures of abuse. YSO…
Code of Conduct
It’s easier to identify behaviors that may be intended to harm children and youth when all staff and volunteers see the Code of Conduct as …
Screening & Hiring
Screening means thorough reference and background checks, including review of criminal and sexual offender records, for all employees, staff,…
Staff and volunteers should have a detailed understanding of their responsibility to report child abuse and neglect. At your YSO (Youth-Serving…
Policies & Procedures
The attitudes of your leadership toward abuse prevention policies can have a direct effect on how the policies are viewed by your organization as a…
Customized child sexual abuse prevention guidelines to meet the unique needs of any organization that serves children.
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