Implement Trainings
Once you have identified your training expectations and standards and have researched current and available local and national training, explore…
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Home / Code of Conduct / Reinforcing the Code of Conduct
Leadership at your Youth-Serving Organization (YSO) should implement the Code of Conduct by including it in many aspects of the organization. The contents of the Code of Conduct should be discussed regularly at your YSO, including during screening and hiring procedures. Collect regular feedback from staff and volunteers for changes that may need to be implemented. Leadership at your YSO should emphasize the importance of the Code of Conduct.
To reinforce the Code of Conduct:
Provide positive reinforcement when appropriate behaviors are observed and address or report inappropriate or harmful behaviors. Leadership at your organization should monitor and supervise behaviors and acknowledge positive interactions between staff, volunteers, and children. Inappropriate behaviors should be immediately discussed and addressed through supervision and harmful behaviors reported
Review during staff meetings, supervision, and training and in ongoing communication with staff and volunteers. Continue to discuss expectations for behavior and reporting outlined in your Code of Conduct. These discussions should help your organization create a culture centering on child safety.
Add the Code of Conduct to your YSO’s website and in any marketing, recruitment, or advertising. Display the culture of safety you have created at your organization to the public, via marketing and other public-facing documents. This will help the community surrounding your organization understand your commitment to safety.
Collect and review data with staff on the frequency and types of reports to identify areas that need to be addressed. Discuss behaviors going on at your organization, including the number and type of reports, how they came to your attention, how they were addressed and resolved, and whether all procedures were followed. Update your Code of Conduct to address new circumstances or behaviors at your organization.
Evaluate, revise, and update the Code of Conduct at least annually. The Code of Conduct should be a living document that is updated regularly based on the needs of the organization. The Code of Conduct should be revised by leadership at your organization in order to enhance its effectiveness.
Your Code of Conduct should be used as a reference point for staff, volunteers, and the greater community for your YSO’s commitment to child safety. Use discussions with staff and volunteers to give them feedback on how they are abiding by the Code. Continue to evaluate and revise the Code of Conduct as needed.
Once you have identified your training expectations and standards and have researched current and available local and national training, explore…
Screening & Hiring
Your Youth-Serving Organization (YSO) should create protocols for the application, interviewing, and screening process. Each step of the process…
Screening & Hiring
Because the internet and social media are a rich source of information about prospective candidates, and social media is perceived as a forum in…
Policies & Procedures
Policies for youth-serving organizations in Massachusetts should clearly identify the duties and responsibilities of all staff, reflect both Federal…
The approaches in the chart below can provide frameworks that make your organization most effective when training adults and/or children/youth….
Safe Environments
Safe Environments should be created by having clear sight lines, proper staff-to-child ratios, and safety standards for off-site personnel and…
Whether designed in-house, provided by a government or state agency, or purchased from a commercial vendor, workplace training programs can take…
Safe Environments
In the past, youth-serving organizations needed to worry about safety only within the physical environment—the building(s) where their services…
Policies & Procedures
Your Policies and Procedures must be adhered to by all staff and volunteers to maintain safety standards at your Youth-Serving Organization (YSO)….
Monitoring Behavior
It’s essential for your organization to create a culture that supports speaking up if inappropriate, harmful, or reportable behaviors take…
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