About Child Sexual Abuse

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Child Sexual Abuse Prevention & Our Safe Kids Thrive Framework
A comprehensive child abuse prevention framework is a proactive one. It aims to identify and prevent child abuse before it occurs, or ensures its earliest possible detection and reporting. The elements of a proactive framework include:
- Codes of Conduct
- Monitoring Behavior
- Policies and Procedures
- Reporting
- Safe Environments
- Screening and Hiring
- Sustainability
- Training
Each of these topics is covered by Safe Kids Thrive, with details on how they prevent child maltreatment, requirements and best practices that make them effective, strategies and tools to create and sustain them, and ways to maximize their effectiveness by tailoring them to meet the needs of Massachusetts children and youth-serving organizations of every type, size and population.
In addition, we cover other elements that support the effectiveness and sustained success of prevention frameworks, including:
- Child protection teams
- Community partnerships
- Measurement, analysis, self-audits and organizational sustainment actions
- Communication
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Customized child sexual abuse prevention guidelines to meet the unique needs of any organization that serves children.
- Evidence-informed guidance
- Actionable prevention steps
- Keeps track of your progress
- Tailored learning tracks